Do not fall into a sedentary lifestyle even if you are at home

 Do not fall into a sedentary lifestyle even if you are at home

Do not fall into a sedentary lifestyle even if you are at home

Do not fall into a sedentary lifestyle even if you are at home

Why is sport important for health?

Our body works like a precise machine that, to stay in perfect condition and continue to function properly, must move and stay active. This means that the regular practice of exercise is essential for our health, at many levels: physical, psychological, and at all ages. Here you can read all the benefits that sport brings.


At the same time, we cannot ignore the other side of the coin: if our level of physical activity is not intense or frequent enough, the functioning of our body begins to be altered and the consequences for our health can become very serious. In fact, 7% of all deaths in the World are linked to a lack of physical activity, since we are one of the four most sedentary countries in Europe, according to the Higher Sports Council (Comprehensive Plan for Physical Activity and Sport).


How does the body suffer when you stop doing sports?

Therefore, it is very important to stay active on a day-to-day basis, but even more so during times when we spend more time at home or in confinement situations, as has happened during the covid-19 health crisis.


In these weeks in which going out outside the home is limited, we cannot even benefit from the activity that is typical of daily life - going to the workplace, running errands, picking up the children from school, etc. -, going to the gym or practicing sports in a group, which can especially affect those people who are already used to following a daily or weekly sports routine.


This forced sedentary lifestyle can lead to the worsening of chronic diseases such as diabetes or hypertension, as well as the loss of flexibility in the joints and the tone and/or strength of the muscles, which can also lead to contractures. Also, our mood can worsen during the days of confinement, as well as the quality of our sleep.


Why is it healthy to practice sports during confinement?

For all these reasons, in situations of confinement or longer stays at home, it is worth spending some time each day doing physical exercise, the frequency, and intensity of which will depend on our abilities, needs, and previous state of health. If we were not in the habit of practicing sports before confinement, the time has come to acquire them. If we already had it, we will have to try to maintain, as much as possible, the level of frequency and intensity that we had previously.


On the other hand, we must also take into account the need to prepare our bodies to face the threat of the covid-19 disease, since moderate physical exercise stimulates and strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of viral infections. in the airways. However, prolonged and high-intensity exercise could weaken the immune system, so it is not advisable.


Finally, it should be remembered that physical activity increases our daily energy expenditure, so it also helps us, during these days of confinement, to maintain as healthy a weight as possible.


How has confinement affected the sports habits of the World?

More than half of Worlds (56%) exercised less during home confinement deprived to the covid-19 pandemic, according to a study carried out by the World Obesity Society (SEEDO). This decrease in physical activity, together with a worse diet, resulted in 44% of the population gaining weight in March and April 2020. 


Physical exercises to do at home

In situations of confinement, teleworking or longer stay at home, without going outside, it is advisable to activate and move the body with some physical exercises that can be done indoors. Try to do some physical activity every day, depending on your level of mobility and personal situation. Walking around the house, doing some planks of exercises, going up and down the stairs, dancing, etc.; Age does not have to be an impediment, you simply have to adapt the intensity of the activity to your physical capacity. Here we leave you several examples, but remember that if you have never done this type of exercise before, it is better to consult your doctor or physical therapist.


·        Pauses to relax the body during teleworking.

First of all, it is very important to take breaks of five or ten minutes for every fifty minutes of work in front of the computer to take care of your back, hands, and eyes and reduce mental fatigue. To this end, the following exercises can be practiced (more aimed at the young population):


Aerobic type exercise. This type of physical activity increases heart and lung capacity, in addition to stimulating the immune system and improving the health of bones and muscles. Among the different options that can be carried out within the home, are the following:


·        Walk inside the house for ten or fifteen minutes several times daily.

·        Go up and down flights of stairs inside the house, if possible.

·        Exercise by following a video, a tutorial, or a mobile application.


Strength training. This kind of physical exercise helps increase basal metabolism and strength and improves bone health and muscle tone. As a proposal for full-body muscle training, there are squats, push-ups, planks, pelvic lifts or lateral arm raises. These exercises should be adapted to the needs, age, and physical condition of each person, as well as the material available to them.


In general, it is recommended to perform this routine three times a week, repeating each exercise between fifteen and ten times and the complete circuit between two and four times. Before starting and after finishing, stretching and flexibility exercises can be performed.


If you are an older person and want to do strength or aerobic exercises adapted to your age, you can also consult the Active Aging Guide of the Higher Sports Council.


Reinforcement exercises through breathing. Muscle-strengthening exercises can also be done through breathing, as long as they are not inadvisable in your specific circumstances.


If you have any questions, and whatever your age, you can also consult the documentation of the world recommendations on physical activity for health from the WHO, which gives a series of indications on the types of physical activity and its duration. recommended according to age.


10 tips to avoid a sedentary lifestyle during the pandemic:


1. Stay active.

The battle against a sedentary lifestyle begins by changing your attitude and having the will to move more daily. For example, walk to places instead of using the car or take the stairs instead of the elevator.

2. Practice half an hour of physical exercise a day.

In addition to having an active attitude, it is advisable to take action and practice some sports every day. If it is not possible for you to carry out your usual activities or go to the gym due to the restrictions due to the pandemic, you can ride a bicycle, run, dance, or walk, taking advantage of the outdoors as much as possible.

3. Don't forget to warm up before.

And neither, to stretch afterward, since both precautions are essential to reduce the risk of injuries during moderately intense sports practice: warming up beforehand allows your body to increase its temperature and prepare for exercise while stretching afterward is key to alleviate tension in muscles and tendons.

4. If you are confined or in quarantine, move home.

Do some daily physical activity, depending on your age, level of mobility, and personal situation. For example, you can walk inside the house for ten to fifteen minutes several times a day or go up and down flights of stairs.

5. Take advantage of new technologies.

Similarly, if there is a possibility, carry out activities such as pilates, Zumba, or aerobics by following videos, tutorials, or applications on your mobile phone or tablet.

6. Spend some time doing an exercise table.

Just as effective and beneficial as aerobic activity can be performing a series of toning or strength exercises and stretching. In this way, your body will gain, in addition to greater muscle tone and resistance, more elasticity in muscles and joints.

7. Take care of your breathing when you do physical activity.

Do not contain it and remember to breathe out at the moment you make an effort and to take it at the moment of relaxation. In this way, you will provide your body with enough oxygen for the exercise, you will perform better and you will reduce the risk of injury. This is especially important if you exercise outside the home with a mask.

8. During teleworking, remember to get up regularly.

Sitting for too long can be very harmful to the body, so if you work from home, take breaks of five or ten minutes for every fifty minutes of work in front of the computer. With this, you will help take care of your back, legs, and eyesight, and reduce mental fatigue.

9. Don't let age stop you.

This does not have to be an impediment, you simply have to adapt the intensity of the activity to your physical capacity. Ask your doctor what type of exercises may be the most suitable for your age and remember that you should not feel fatigued or short of breath.

10. Hydrate your body.

Try to drink around two liters of water a day, but especially before, during, and after exercise, when we lose a large amount of water and electrolytes through sweat. Staying hydrated will also help you combat the constipation that a sedentary lifestyle can cause.

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